Missouri Travel Crew Wins Emmy

John Drake Robinson with Emmy Award

John Robinson and his car have driven every mile of every road on the Missouri state highway map. He’s written two books about their adventures, and now a web series highlighting their discoveries has won an Emmy. Finding Wild Missouri … Read More

Behind the Scenes at the Emmys

It was a grand night. Our crew sat at one of the hundred tables in the Emmy Awards Gala in KC, apprehensive about winning an Emmy. Two hours into the program, I felt queasy, so I sprinted a hundred yards … Read More

It Was a Good Weekend

After speaking to the Missouri Press Association Convention last month, I let my hair down at Columbia’s Roots & Blues festival, before hopping in Erifnus, my car, for a whirlwind trip to Kansas City. There, our film crew won an … Read More

Finding Wild Missouri Gets Emmy Nomination

“Mighty Confluence” has been nominated for an Emmy. It’s the first of a series of short films following Erifnus and me as we drive every mile of every road on the Missouri state highway map. The nominated episode, one of … Read More

St. Louis: Birthplace of Fast Food

Man of Many Miles

More than any other spot on earth, St. Louis is the birthplace of fast food. In terms of speed and convenience, St. Louis has made the single biggest impact on your gastrointestinal tract since cave people first burned meat, more … Read More


We had a busy day. Missouri Transit delivered my grand kids in time for us to scamper across the bridge to eat breakfast at Tremain’s. We watched passengers arrive on an Ozark Airlines DC-3, then retraced our route, past the … Read More

She’s outlived a good many of us

I couldn’t find her on Facebook. Texting’s not an option. I’m not sure she even has a cell phone. I don’t have her number. But I do know this: Mildred Leaver just turned 108 years old this month. She was … Read More

O Danny Boy…

Daniel ODwyer

Daniel O’Dwyer would approve of new Pope Francis, I suspect. I have no way of knowing for sure, since Daniel O’Dwyer, my great grandfather, died eleven popes ago, shortly after the long reign of Pope Pius IX. Pius excommunicated Daniel … Read More

Yule Tied Hideout

The trout got plenty of attention. They always do on the first day of March. It happened suddenly. In the predawn, an armada of hip waders invaded their winter waterland. Pretty gifts dropped from the sky, tasty looking flies that … Read More

The Graduate


It took all I had to get him to graduation day. Many families feel the same. You work. You worry. You save. You coach and encourage. You pray. And when they graduate, a very big part of you walks across … Read More