I Can’t Get These Names to Stick

Graveyard for Naughty English Teachers

Some roads evoke emotion, like the Trail of Tears through Belleview, Boss and Bixby. And some roads evoke wonder, like the Scenic Byway along Crowley’s Ridge. Traveling every Missouri road, I gave some personal nicknames to a few pathways. Winding … Read More

My Favorite Road

Water Tower, Radio Tower, Tower of Power

One of the most legendary highways on Earth unfolds over 300 Missouri miles, and bears a name that’s the highest tribute ever bestowed a route: the Mother Road. But it’s a mother with multiple personalities. Before it bore children west, … Read More

Missouri Life and Death

King of the Road

The King of the Road series went dormant after a nice five-year run, and Erifnus and I rode into the sunset. But lately, I happily agreed to start writing features for the magazine from time to time…just took an assignment … Read More

Along This Endless Road

Man of Many Miles

Along this endless road, a few reporters traveled with me. It was an honor to have Jim McCarty of Rural Missouri Magazine riding shotgun for an afternoon. And Erifnus — that’s my car — tolerated him even though he wrote … Read More

Book Goes National

Got My Camo On

Well, that’s a stretch. Yes, people all over the world can buy it, although a California reader who saw the story about my travels, “One man’s quest to see Missouri, mile by mile” by Tom Uhlenbrock, in USA Today wondered … Read More

Past CDT Articles about My Book

A Road Trip Into America's Hidden Heart

The Columbia Daily Tribune has published a couple articles about my journey over the years. “Man explores state one road at a time” was originally written for the St. Louis Post Dispatch by Tom Uhlenbrock in 2009. “Road Warrior” by … Read More

Bringing the Backroads to the Classroom

Just spoke to 70 fourth graders. Captured their attention with my prairie chicken dance. We talked about finding wild Missouri.  Their eyes got even wider when I told them about joining a producer from Saturday Night Live to raft the … Read More