Four bridges cross the Big Piney River at a spot so rugged it was damn near the last section of Route 66 to be completed. We floated downriver into the shadow of each bridge, close together, from oldest to newest. First, the railroad bridge has a long approach trestle. We could only see it by looking behind. Oldest highway dumps you out at the Elbow Inn. Sadly the bar closed. The next Mother Road sliced deep through an Ozark mountain, forming Hooker’s Cut. Finally, I-44 came to the rescue of Mother Road and her daughter. Meanwhile, never see a train on the old railroad bridge.

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One Comment on “The Route 66 Bridges Across the Piney River”
Great float that day, as always, this time good weather and great floating buddies. That’s for making the trip down to lead the way on this float. Interesting history most folks overlook.